Drumming In All Directions Reviewed by Percussive Notes – Journal of the Percussive Arts Society

Let’s face it,we all at one time or another had to overcome the challenges of limb coordination in order to feel like a ‘proper’ drummer, and could well be the reason many would-be drummers get deterred early on. US drum teacher David Dieni’s book grew out of his teaching experience, and the frustrations he witnessed with his students struggling with coordination. He identifies the problems as that a drummer’s training is hands-first, feet second – and sets about rectifiying the lack of thought given to applying the same techniques for both limb sets, ie:Moeller and Stone. And secondly, he recognizes that out of themanyways four limbs can be combined into alternatingmotions, drummers often only master a handful. So the collection of exercises presented inDrumming In All Directions offers amore integrative approach to limbmotions viamotion techniques, the idea being that a new freedom and proper muscle memory will be developed. A common sense idea, but one which here makes a refreshing addition to the many works of drum education already in print. (CBu)
